Hey folks, we might be in for a long haul as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, where our regular entertainment options have become more limited than normal. Winter Light wants to do our bit to help out, in our own way, so going forward, as many as our past films and shows that we are able to make available will be posted for your viewing pleasure. Most of our productions are in part publicly funded, so the least we can do is make them available to the public now in a time when we all need to pull together.
Starting off is The Cuckoo In The Clock, a feature film I made back in 2013. A cast of three, a crew of seven, and a ten day shooting period (where I spent one of those days in the ER, so that day was more or less directed by producers Andrew Mark Sewell and John Rosborough, who was also the DOP). It features Jacob James, Nicole Steeves, and Brittney Jean Blake, and it was among other things the first production oh which I collaborated with Dillon Garland, with whom I have gone on to work on most of my productions since then.
Stay safe, be kind and good to one another, and help out wherever and whenever you can.
Paul Kimball